Faint Not

Admit it: life is hard.

This basic statement has a tendency to resurface in the mind as soon as it appears to have gone away. No matter what you are struggling with, be comforted. Your exhausted body and soul can experience rest. You can learn how to put daily struggles in their proper place by learning to loosen the grasp that reoccurring hardships have on your interior life.

It seems that we are always faced with a new obstacle to avoid or another challenge to face in our daily lives. Granted, some days are better than others, but sometimes you just feel like you have reached your limit. You feel like you are overworked and overwhelmed with nothing to do but keep pushing through your day--which includes the hundreds of things you have to do before your heavy head can finally hit the pillow. But sometimes you just have to realize that

You are loved.  

Even if you don't feel the warmth and joy of the Father's love for you, have faith. His love for you is infinite. Let His perfect love cast out your fear. We can only be a people of hope and joy if we allow Christ to fill us up. May we be reservoirs of His endless love for us.

Once we allow ourselves to be filled up with His love, our daily trials will begin to become more bearable. Christ doesn't promise to take away all of our hardships, but He does promise to carry us along the journey. By uniting our sacrifices to Christ's ultimate sacrifice, our capacity to give and receive love will only continue to flourish. For, Mother Teresa says: "Love founded on sacrifice is sure to grow."

Love is such a satisfying gift that just keeps giving. But, you cannot give what you don't have. Just let our perfect Father love you today. Rest in His presence. Faint not.


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